Audrey Lenore (nee Johnson) beloved wife of the late Charles Beerman, loving mother of Donna (Robert) Eichelberger, Karen (late John) Reed & Diane Beerman (longtime companion Jerry Weber), cherished grandmother of Kenneth (Edie), Philip (Melody), Michael (Brittany), Daniel, Ben & Emily, great-grandmother of C.J., Brad, Makayla, Sam & Eleyna, she is preceded in death by 7 brothers and sisters. Saturday, October 18, 2014, age 88. Visitation Thursday 9:00-10:00AM at the Vitt, Stermer & Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Funeral Mass 10:30AM at St. Teresa of Avila Church. Memorial may be made to Juvenile Diabetes, 4555 Lake Forest Drive, Ste. 396, Cincinnati, OH 45242, or SPCA of Cincinnati, 3949 Colerain Avenue,Cincinnati, OH 45223.