Aurelia Mary (nee Bastian) beloved wife of the late Robert Wissel Sr., loving mother of Judy Reed, Jan (George) Miller, Robert Jr. (Laurie), David (Brenda) and Jeff (Carla) Wissel, grandmother of Olivia, Sophie, Stephen (Elizabeth), Matthew, Daniel, Mark (Michelle), Robert III, Brian (Cassie), Molly (Adam), Hannah (Anthony), Blair, David Jr., Blake, Trishna and Mimi, great grandmother of Mason, Thomas, Charlotte and Claire, sister of the late Cyril Bastian Jr., Rosemary Short, Anna Lou Bastian and Clara Swearingen, many nieces and nephews. She was a WWII Veteran in the United States Navy "WAVES". Thursday, May 12, 2016, age 92. Visitation Tuesday 9:00 AM until 10:15 AM at Bayley 990 Bayley Place Dr. (45233). Mass to follow at 10:30 AM.
Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, 644 Linn Street, Cincinnati, OH 45203 or Bayley.