Daniel M. Jr, beloved husband of Betty Hagarty (nee Ruhe), loving father of Judy (Chris) Belanger and Mike (Lisa) Hagarty, dear grandfather of Katie, Julianna and Hannah Hagarty, Erin, Joseph and Nicole Belanger and great-grandfather of Skylar and Jocelyn, preceeded in death by his parents; Daniel Sr. and Elsie Hagarty, brother of JoAnn (the late George) Siefert, Rose (George) LaFleur, Tom (Joyce) Hagarty and the late Mike Hagarty, brother-in-law of Mel .
Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Tribute Program, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105-1942 or Little Sisters of the Poor 476 Riddle Rd., Cinti, OH 45220.