Earlene (nee Lawrence) beloved wife of the late Kenneth Antrobus, loving mother of Kenneth (Sue) Antrobus Jr., Arthur (Kelly) Antrobus, Lisa (Terri) Cannon, Martin Antrobus (Gina Antrobus) and the late Ricky Antrobus and Peggy Lipps, grandmother of 13 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren, sister of Mary Lou Hehl and the late Dwayne Lawrence. Sunday, July 24, 2016, age 79. Visitation TODAY, Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 5 PM until 8 PM at the Vitt, Stermer and Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Funeral service Wednesday 10 AM at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to VITAS Hospice 11500 Northlake Dr. Suite 400 Cincinnati, Ohio 45249.