Ed "Butch" Rodgers Jr., beloved husband of the late Martha J. "Marty" (nee Steinmetz), loving father of Michael (Julie), Dave (Cindi), Alan (Brenda), Mark (Denise) and James (Beth) Rodgers, dear grandfather of Melissa (Matt), Julie (Jeremy), Michael (Emily), Eric (Kristin), Matthew (Brittany), Jonathan, Jennifer, Rebecca (John), Christina, Stephen, Renee, Cherie and great-grandfather of 9 great-grandchildren, brother of Bill (Barb) Rodgers. Saturday, October 29, 2016, age 80. Visitation Friday 5 PM until 8 PM at the Vitt, Stermer and Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Funeral Mass Saturday 10 AM at St. Vincent DePaul Church. Memorials may be made to Shriner's Hospital 3229 Burnet Ave. (45229).