Elizabeth W. "Betty" (nee Weimer), beloved wife of the late Joseph A. Odley, loving mother of Marianne (Tom) Sander, Julie (Don) Keller and Cathy (Pat) McCaffrey, grandmother of Michael (Emily) Barker, David Keller, Allison Keller and the late Sarah Barker, great grandmother of Miles Barker, loving aunt of Paul (Maggie) Davis. Sunday, December 28, 2014, age 95. Visitation Wednesday 9:30 AM until 10:15 AM at Bayley, 990 Bayley Place Dr. Funeral Mass to follow at 10:30 AM. Memorials may be made to The Sarah Barker Scholarship Fund at Villa Madonna Academy, 2500 Amsterdam Road Villa Hills, KY 41017 or Bayley 990 Bayley Place Dr. Cincinnati, Ohio 45233