Helen E. (nee Holley), beloved wife of the late Leonard B. Frank, loving mother of Alice (Lawrence) Dasenbrock and Arthur (Tobi) Frank, dear grandmother of Julie (Chris) Danielewski, Jeffrey Dasenbrock, and Marc Frank, great-grandmother of Jackson and Lucas Danielewski, sister of Raymond Holley and the late Ed (Frances), Clarence (Esther) Quentin, and John (Barbra) Holley. Helen passed away August 14, 2014, age 101, at West Park Senior Living Community. She was a 1935 graduate of Mt. St. Joseph College, with majors in Latin and Greek, and had a lifelong love of learning, which she passed along to all those she taught and tutored over the years. Helen was proud to be a 40 year member of St. Dominic Parish, where she had become the oldest parishioner.
Donations may be made to St. Vincent de Paul Society in care of St. Dominic Church, 4551 Delhi Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45238.