Henry J. "Harry" beloved husband of the late Evelyn Averbeck (nee Herdeman), loving father of Susan (Grady) Hopper, Daniel (Mary) and Steven (Marla) Averbeck, grandfather of Erin & Cortney Hopper, Timothy, Elizabeth, Austin, Emily, Alexandra & Jenna Averbeck and Zachary Dillman, great grandfather of 3, brother of Mary Lou Averbeck R.S.M and the late Thomas Averbeck. Monday, June 23, 2014, age 85. Visitation Saturday 9 AM until time of Mass at 10 AM at Bellarmine Chapel, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Athenaeum of Ohio, 6616 Beechmont Ave. (45230) or Bethany House 1841 Fairmount Ave (45214).