Jacqueline "Jackie" (nee Lower), beloved wife of 66 years to Robert Suddendorf, loving mother Cindy (Rusty) Groves, Stephen (Judy) Suddendorf and David (Susan) Suddendorf, dear grandmother of Carrie (Adam), Elizabeth, Maxwell, Brady, Kathryn, David, Ryan, Brandon, Brett and great-grandmother of Austin, Molly, Brooke and Grady, beloved daughter of the late Jack and Garland Lower, passed away Tuesday September 22, 2015. She was a long time member of the Cincinnati Woman's Club. A memorial service will be Wednesday, September 30th at 11AM at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 703 Compton Rd.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Northminster Presbyterian Church, Ronald McDonald House, 350 Erkenbrecher Ave, Cin. OH 45229 or the Greenhills Forest Park Kiwanis Club.