Jean Marie (nee Jacober), beloved wife of the late Clarence Chenault, loving mother of Michael (Christina) Chenault, Gail "Pete" (Pam) Chenault and Timothy (late Connie) Chenault, loving grandmother of Michael, Brian, Scott (Barbara), Adrienne (Joshua), Stephen (Amy), Joshua (Sarah) and Brandy (Derek), great grandmother of Blake, Dylan, Isaac, Lucy and Charles. Jean was a retired Deputy from the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department with 20 years of service. She also belonged to Eastern Star Mt. Healthy Chapter. Passed away Thursday, August 13, 2015, age 91. Visitation Tuesday 9 AM until 10:30 AM at the Vitt, Stermer and Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Funeral Mass to follow 11 AM at St. Vincent DePaul Church. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Cincinnati or charity of choice.