Jean R. (nee Mashinot) beloved wife of the late Louis Fiorante, loving mother of Joseph (Ruby) Fiorante and Lou Ann (Gregory) Fiorante-Lundy, dear grandmother of Louie and Jeanne Fiorante and Eric Lundy and great grandmother of Amanda, Brandon and Cameron Fiorante and great great-grandmother of Alexandria Fiorante, dear sister of Louis J. Mashinot, Betty Egan, Laverne "Patsy" Mashinot and the late Rosemary McCullough, Ruth Cleves, Vivian Mashinot and sister-in-law of the late Sheila Mashinot, Ted Egan, Elmer Cleves, Mickey and William "Bud" Mistler. Passed away Tuesday February 23, 2016. Age 92 at Mercy West Park. Friends may call at the Vitt, Stermer and Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Tuesday March 1st from 8:30AM until 9:30AM. Funeral mass will follow at 10:00AM at St. Dominic Church. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Cincinnati.