John B. beloved husband of the late Lois Streicher (nee Leon), loving father of Sandra (Dan) Lankin, Nancy (Dan) Braun, Jack (Debra) Streicher and Rob (Vonda) Streicher, dear grandfather of Jamie (Gary), Scott (Rene`), Katie (Pat), Sarah (Jeff), John (Caroline), Ben (Lauren) and great-grandfather of Alex, Max, Samantha, Paige, Louisa, Harold, George and Hadley, dear brother of JoAnn (Ken) Hamilton, uncle of many nieces and nephews. Passed away Sunday, November 27, 2016. Age 91. Friends may call at St. Dominic Church (Gathering Space) Wednesday, November 30th, from 9AM until time of funeral mass at 10AM. Memorials may be made to Elder High School.