Judy A. (nee Wilkey), beloved wife of the late Bruce C. Goins, loving mother of Bruce J. (Lesli), Brian, Lauren, Mike (Kelley) Goins, proud grandmother of Sydney, Drew, Kyle, Brady, Taylor, Anna and Chase, sister of Michael (Patricia) Wilkey, Janet (Dennis) Martin, Robert (Mary Jane) Wilkey, Timothy (Stephanie) Wilkey and the late Terry Wilkey (Layne), also survived by in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends. Judy's smiling face will be missed at many sporting events to come. Thursday, February 23, 2017, age 71. Visitation Monday 5-8 PM at the Vitt, Stermer and Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Funeral Mass Tuesday 10 AM at St. Dominic Church. Memorials may be made to Huntington's Disease Society of America.