Lorraine (nee Quisenberry) beloved wife of the late Roy Dyer, loving mother of Richard (Suzanne), Rodney (Sue), Roy (Carol), Tim (Jane), Peggy (Eddie) Singler, Linda (Larry) Bellomy, Ginger (Randy) Turner, Diane (Butch) Marksberry, Candy (Mike) Hicks, dear grandmother of 21 granchildren, 35 great-grandchildren and 4 great great-grandchildren, dear sister of the late Lucille Whitaker, many nieces and nephews. Passed away Friday April 26, 2013. Age 93. Friends may call at the Vitt, Stermer & Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Tuesday 5-8PM. Funeral service will be Wednesday 10AM at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.