Mark Richard Santoro, born September 28, 1969, loving father of Victor William, husband of Becky (Fletcher), son of Anne Power (Bolduc), Gloria (Teal), and Rick, brother of Jamie and Jim (Bitzenhofer), and Phillip and Jackie (Davidson), Greg and Jane Fletcher, uncle of J.P. and Elise Bitzenhofer, Owen Santoro and Jack and Tommy Fletcher. Son in law of Bill Fletcher and Estell, Wayne and Rose Winstead, passed Wednesday, December 16, 2015.
Mark is a Navy veteran, an accomplished drummer, a mechanical genius, and a loyal friend. Most importantly he is a good man. His family and friends have all been blessed with his love, devotion, playful sense of humor, and unending willingness to help. Mark valued family most of all and nurtured his relationships with his many cousins who supported him, took his counsel, and laughed at his zany observations.
Mark his been given a loving and comforting welcome from his relatives who proceeded him; Gigi and Carm, Bill and Barb, Ed and Rose, and Uncle Bill.
We are all the more because of his life and have been made less because of his passing. Each of us is now responsible to go forward, keeping Mark in our hearts and in our character, so that his immortality is assured.
It is now time to rest.
Memorials may be made to the Janet A. Santoro Foundation 9920 Indian Springs Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45241.