Mary Ellen (nee Rave), beloved wife of the late Robert Anthony "Bob" Gangloff, loving mother of Anthony (Santo Aloisi) Gangloff, Tina Marie Brown, Stephen (Teri) Gangloff, Deborah (Charles) Williams III, Teresa (Billy) Singer and Julie (Erik) Hail, grandmother of Kassondra Taylor, Jarrod, Gage and JeriLynn Brown, Crystal Johnson, Nicholas Gangloff, Charles IV, Robert, Elizabeth and Samuel Williams, Brandon Singer, Kayla and Austin Everman, Liam Singer, Courtney Johnson, Joshua and Jason Hail, great grandmother of Julia, Belle, Stella and Hazel Taylor, MJ and Nicholas Himel and Bradley Johnson, sister of John (Arlene), David (Angela), Thomas (Donna) and Robert (Penny) Rave, Judy (Carl) Young and the late Jim (living Mary Lynne) Rave, she was also a sister-in-law, aunt and friend to many. Tuesday, April 28, 2015, age 74.
Memorials may be made to Lauren Hill, The Cure Starts Now Foundation, 10280 Chester Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215.