Masako, beloved wife of the late Wesley K. Takahashi, passed away Sunday July 28, 2013. Born in 1935, in Aomori, Japan, she was a lovely young lady when she met Wesley, who was serving in the US Air Force. They married and moved to Cincinnati in 1965, and eventually to Harrison, Ohio. Masako shared many of his interests, including fishing and travelling and growing beautiful flowers and vegetables, which they shared with friends and family. Masako was also a bird lover and an avid bowler, earning many awards during league play. She enjoyed the challenge and made many friends. She was dear sister of Keiko Miyaki, Fukuko Suzuki, Chizuko Katou, Etsuko Hasegawa, Jiro Fukutsu, Hideo Toriyabe and the late Shozo Fukutsu; dear sister-in-law of Judy Ibarra, Marvin A. Takahashi and the late Neil, Lois, and Elmer Masashi Takahashi; loving aunt to Monica J. Ibarra-Burke, Julia Y. Vincent, Karen M. Ibarra and Kim Takahashi. Memorials may be made to your charity of choice.