Myrna (nee Marks) beloved wife of the late Frank Summers, loving mother of Deborah (David) Peter, Diane (Daniel) Goddard, Mary (Kevin) Rowe, Elizabeth (Edward) Reece, Mark (Pamela) Summers and Thomas (Susan) Summers, dear grandmother of Kate, Mitch, Andy (Halli), Paul, Jacki (Jamie), Gillian, Tyler, Katlyn, Kyle, Rafe, Emma, Ellie, Will, Henry and the late Mollie, dear step-sister of Beth Brabender, passed away Monday, July 4, 2016. Visitation will be at Bayley (Enrichment Center), 990 Bayley Place Dr. Cinti, OH 45233. Friday, July 8th from 9:00AM until time of funeral mass 10:30AM. Memorials may be made to Bayley or Hospice of Cincinnati.