Patricia "Tricia" beloved wife of 22 years to Patrick O'Brien, loving mother of Colleen, Michael and Maureen O'Brien, beloved daughter of Verna and the late Daniel Dwyer, dear sister of Annette (Gerald "Pat" Monks) Dwyer, Julia (the late Steve Mavrolas) Dwyer, Janine (Darren) Kenner, Karen (Mark) Koch, Amy Burbrink, Daniel (Laura) Dwyer and Timothy "Tim" (Jill) Dwyer, aunt of many nieces and nephews. Passed away Sunday, July 24th, 2016 after a proudly fought battle with colo-rectal cancer. Friends may call at the Vitt, Stermer and Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Thursday, July 28th from 4-8PM. Funeral mass will be Friday, July 29th at St. Teresa of Avila Church at 10:30AM. Memorials may be made to the Marian Hoogenboom CARE House, 200 High Park Avenue, Goshen, IN 46526.