Robert F. beloved husband of Anna Mae Bruser (nee Koch), loving father of Mary (John) Dole, Barb Bruser, Bob Bruser, Tom (Donna) Bruser, Joe (Diana) Bruser, Mike (Kelly) Bruser and Dave Bruser, grandfather of Christina, Sarah and Katelyn Dole, Stephanie Bruser, Courtney, Cody and Michaela Bruser, Christopher and Jessica Bruser, brother of Walter Bruser and the late Catherine Carleton, Mildred, Marie and Helen Bruser, uncle of Ronald Carleton. He is retired from Western Home Center after working for 51 years. Passed away Thursday, December 29, 2016 at age 91. Visitation Thursday 10 AM until 11:15 AM at St. Leo the Great Church 2573 St. Leo Place (45225). Funeral Mass to follow at 11:30 AM. Memorials may be made to St. Leo the Great Church.