Robert "Bob" beloved husband of 52 years to Rose Ann Seger (nee Ott), loving father of Lori (Robert) Cronin and the late Rob Seger, dear grandfather of Alyssa, Ashleigh, Alexandra and great-grandfather of Owen, brother of Henry (Phyllis) Seger, Sue (Don) Geiger and Diana (Jesse) Burress, uncle of many nieces and nephews. Bob was a Hamilton County Deputy Sheriff for over 30 years. He passed away Tuesday, August 4, 2015. Friends may call at St. Antoninus Church, 1500 Linneman Rd., Cinti, OH 45238, Monday, August 10th from 9:30AM until funeral mass 10:30AM.
Memorials may be made to American Diabetes Foundation, 4555 Lake Forest Drive, Ste. 396, Cincinnati, OH 45242.