Ruth Ryan, beloved wife of the late Henry J. Brinkley, loving mother of Edna Brinkley (the late David W.) Jones, dear step-grandmother of Elisabeth M. Jones, Deborah Jones Young and 4 great-stepgrandchidren, aunt of June Crouthers, Mona Bloomfield, Marilyn Freemann, Driusilla Giles, the late Joy Harrison and Lloyd Dick, loving friend of Pauline A. DeVaux, Dr. Jim and Jennifer Molnar, Mary and Ted Lasenczyk, Anne Marie Sabath, Amber and Scott Wirt. Passed away Sunday, March 24, 2013. Age 104 3/4. Friends may call at the Fleming Rd. United Church of Christ, 691 Fleming Rd. Wednesday 10 AM until time of service 11 AM. A special thanks to The Fountains Staff and Staff of Hyde Park Health Center. Memorials may be made to the Fleming Rd. United Church of Christ Memorial Fund or Hospice of Cincinnati.