Younger Ruthann Mary "Grama Ru" (nee Keegan), beloved wife of the late Louis F. "Babe" Younger, loving mother of Beth Ann (Robert "Bob") Keller, Gayle Ann (James) Gerhardt, Lynn Patricia Younger and Jill Alaine (Jon) Stevenson, grandmother of Robert, Jr. "Bobby" and Jeffrey Alexander Keller, Abigayle Marie "Abby" and Claire Elyse Gerhardt, Keegan Pan Younger and Ashley Elaine and Adam Edwin Stevenson, loving sister of Jeanne Rose Keegan and the late Frank Edward Keegan, daughter of the late Jeannette and Frank Keegan. Ruthann was a 1950 graduate of Good Samaritan School of Nursing actively practicing for 57 years retiring in July 2007. Friday, July 30, 2010, age 81. Visitation Wednesday 2-5 PM at the Vitt, Stermer & Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Mass of Christian Burial to follow at 6 PM at Our Lady of Victory Church. Memorial contributions may be made to American Cancer Society.