Sean R., beloved son of Terry and Lisa Lyons, loving brother of Kyle (Hilda), Branden and Megan (William King) Lyons, dear grandson of Florence Lyons and the late Robert Lyons and Floyd and Carole Cameron, nephew of Mike (Sue), Tim (Jeanne), Kevin (Sue) Lyons, Kathy (Bob) Seitz, Maryanne (Keith) Powell, Linda (Dave) Hahn, Barb Busch (Chris Byrd), also survived by many loving cousins and friends. Sean was a 2004 St. Xavier graduate and a graduate of UC DAAP program. Suddenly, Monday, February 1, 2016 at age 29. Visitation Saturday 9:30 AM at Our Lady of Lourdes 2832 Rosebud, funeral Mass to follow at 10:30. Memorials may be made to Our Lady of Lourdes.