Evans Terrence (Terry) beloved father of Vincent and Patrick Evans, loving brother of Joyce (Mike) Doherty, Evan (Barbara) Evans and the late Edward Jay Evans, son of the late Edward "Chick" and Mary Evans, devoted uncle of Michael (Becky) Doherty, Katie (Bob) Fishburn, Brian Doherty, Ed and Kayley Evans, cherished great uncle of Brittany and Nicole Fishburn. Wednesday, November 2, 2011. Family will greet friends Sunday 4-7 PM at the Vitt, Stermer & Anderson Funeral Home 4619 Delhi Rd. Funeral Mass Monday 11 AM at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church, 30 Guido St., Mt. Adams. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Help Me Grow, Ronald McDonald House, Make a Wish Foundation, Children's Miracle Network or to Holy Cross-Immaculata Church.