Terrence "Terry" beloved husband of Mary Sue Ramstetter (nee McDonald), loving father of Benjamin (Melissa) Ramstetter, Katie (Jason) Lee, Becky (Dan) Erb and Christopher Ramstetter, Proud Paw Paw of Hannah, Olivia, Zoe, Zachary, Megan, Lauren, Jacob, Willa and Winston, cherished son of Nancy and the late Paul Ramstetter Sr., dear brother of Victoria Ramstetter, Paul (Eileen) Ramstetter Jr., Kathy Ramstetter, Anthony (Cathy) Ramstetter, Philip (Lori) Ramstetter, Mary Lynn (Brian) Greene and Mark (Maria) Ramstetter, devoted son-in-law of the late Joseph and Willa McDonald, caring brother-in-law of Pat (Ken) Schneider, Kathy (George) Calvert, Bill (Anita) McDonald, Rosie (late Dean) Foley, Joe (Cheryl) McDonald, Peggy (Glenn) Smith, John (Julie) McDonald and Jim (Cathy) McDonald, fun loving uncle to many nieces and nephews. Terry loved his family and celebrated life everyday. His big heart was present in all he did. Terry was a gentle bear full of love and kindness to everyone.
Memorials may be made to Ronald McDonald House350 Erkenbrecher Ave. Cincinnati Ohio 45229 or Center for Chemical Addictions Treatment 830 Ezzard Charles Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45214.